EmpowHER Safety Tips

At WAVIT, your safety is paramount. We're sharing crucial safety tips to improve tradeshow and event security for all, especially women with EmpowHER Safety Tips. Check out our social media for best practices and resources to help keep you safe. 

Our goal is to raise awareness and develop and promote safety practices to prevent harm and protect individuals from violence, abuse, and harassment. We will help create a safe environment and pathways to communicate violations and offer an avenue where everyone feels empowered to speak up and take action to prevent personal safety threats in the AV and IT industries. Let's build safer spaces together. Follow our EmpowerHer Safety Tips and drive change.

Tips and Resources 

  1. Trust your instincts. If a situation or a person feels off, it’s ok to leave or seek help.
  2. Look out for other women around you. If you see someone who looks uncomfortable or in trouble, offer help or alert event staff.
  3. Recognize and respect personal boundaries. Consent and comfort should always be top priorities. Respect earns respect!
  4. Always report suspicious activity to event staff or security. If something doesn't feel right, it's okay to speak out. Eyes open, stay safe!
  5. Support and amplify the voices of other women at events. When one speaks up, back her up. Empower each other!
  6. Set Boundaries: Be clear and assertive about your personal space. Don’t hesitate to voice your discomfort or remove yourself from an uncomfortable situation.
  7. Know the Schedule: Keep track of the event schedule and plan your movements accordingly. Avoid isolated areas, especially during late hours.
  8. While you are in transit, inside an uber, cab, etc… activate your google maps and mute it to make sure your driver is going the right way.
  9. Take Breaks: If you feel overwhelmed, take a break in a well-lit, populated area. Use this time to regroup and regain your composure.